Hotel Mumbai 2018 1080p BluRay x264 DTS WiKi WhiteRev
Hotel Mumbai 2018 1080p BluRay x264 DTS WiKi WhiteRev
51,929 votes

Hotel Mumbai tells the astonishing true story of the victims and survivors of the devastating attacks on Mumbai in 2008. A story which fearlessly tackles the defining global issues of our time. A story about ordinary people. Real people. People of all races, all colours, all creeds, binding together in a gruelling fight for survival. A story that celebrates humanity's highest ideals - compassion, courage, resilience and an unwavering desire to live.

Movie Details
Actors Amandeep Singh, Suhail Nayyar, Manoj Mehra, Dinesh Kumar
Writers John Collee, Anthony Maras
Directors Anthony Maras
Language Hindi, English, Russian
Country Australia, USA, UK, India, Singapore
Production RPM Media, Screen Australia, India Take One Productions, Thunder Road Pictures, The South Australian Film Corporation, Electric Pictures, ScreenWest, Cyan Films
Awards 9 wins & 25 nominations.
Revenue $16,872,691.00
Metascore 62
Media info
Duration 2h 2mn
Video format AVC
Audio format DTS
Width x Height 1920 x 802
Aspect 2.40:1
Framerate 23.9760
Bitrate mode Constant
Bitrate 1 509 Kbps
Channels 6 channels
Sample 48.0 KHz
Language Hindi
NZB details
Subject Hotel Mumbai 2018 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi-WhiteRev
Group alt.binaries.multimedia
Size 17.26 GB
Files 166
Poster anonymous
Posted 2019-06-17 11:34:41
Downloaded 1472 times
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